Featured materials

The Opportunity

10 million+ metres of fabric left unsold and unused in Australia

85% of TCF businesses
have deadstock fabric they are interested in selling

$500 million
unrealised value in Australian deadstock fabrics

Reuse is good use

By participating in the Circular Sourcing marketplace you’re supporting the local circular economy and diverting materials from landfill back into fashion. Learn more about the verified Sellers on our platform and browse their current fabric collections.

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Draped Green Linen fabric with a hand by Circular Sourcing
Our Values

Put surplus material and designer deadstock to good use.


Increase revenue and innovation for local businesses.


Share knowledge and build ecosystems for a circular textiles economy.


Leverage the power of data to track material movement and recycle waste.

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Woman is looking at Australian surplus fabrics stocks

Welcome to Circular Sourcing

Circular Sourcing is a platform for selling and buying surplus fabrics and designer deadstock. Built by A.BCH and launched in 2023 the project was supported by Sustainability Victoria alongside our collaborative partners Full Circle Fibres, MTK Australia and The Social Studio, our purpose is to help circulate designer deadstock + surplus materials in Australia.

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Make profit not waste

Turn your surplus into revenue and join the circular textiles economy.

Become a seller
Make Profit Not Waste Circular Sourcing Deadstock Fabric Marketplace
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